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The Problem: Bookish Knowledge

Are you tired of reading barely understandable business news full of complex lingo and facts? Do you hate the missing personal touch? Do you want something more fun, engaging and informational? Then Insider is the solution you are looking for!

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Insider is your go-to solution for understanding businesses. No more onslaught of boring numbers and bland facts. Insider's approach is much more unique, serving truth on a silver platter of engaging storytelling.
It explains businesses with unbiased, in-depth business analysis and intelligence so you can form your own opinions. Understanding a business will never be the same again!

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Reading can take up time. And you don't always have it in you to go through long news articles. So, Insider came up with a nifty little thing called "Bullets” for the days when you want your business news on the go.
Keep up with what's going on in the market and with your favourite businesses in under 100 words. We know how to get to the point!

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In the spirit of limitless learning, Insider has over 1,500 articles! But we won’t make you feel bombarded with everything all at once, Insider lets you curate a list of finance topics you like with the "Explore" feature. Choose up to 10 points of interest, and get all the articles Insider has to offer to you!

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Nobody likes to look up what a word means in the middle of reading, and we understand that feeling all too well. That’s why Insider came up with “Chatterbox”. Find the explanations for jargon-y and complex terms in the article. Every Chatterbox has a little mark next to it; just hover over it and get the explanation.

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Sometimes you love a book, and you recommend it to your friends and family. Sometimes you fall in love with a line or a quote and want to flash across all your socials. So, for all those sometimes, Insider let’s you share the exact text you found helpful.
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