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All About Director Identification Number

Created on 29 Aug 2018

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Read by 3.8k people

Updated on 07 Oct 2020

Person identifying through DIN

DIN stands for director identification number; it is a unique number allotted by central government to any person intending to be a director or is an existing director of any company. It is an 8-digit unique identification, which has lifetime validity. Through DIN details of the director of company are maintained in database.

DIN is specific to a person, means if a person is director in two or more company for that he has to obtain only one DIN and if he leaves company and joins the other, the same DIN would work for the other company also. Whenever a return, application or any submission is made on behalf of company the director with his signature will also mention the DIN.

How to obtain DIN: DIN allotment take place in two ways:

  1. For existing companies through Form DIR-3 pursuant to section 153 & 154 of companies act 2013;
  2. For newly incorporated company through form INC-32 (Spice)

Form DIR-3: any person intending to become director in an existing company shall make an application in e-Form DIR-3 for allotment of DIN which involves the following procedure:

  1. e-Form DIR-3 has to follow the online e- Filling process.
  2. Attach the photograph and scanned copy of supporting documents i.e. proof of identity, proof of residence.
  3. Along with the supporting documents, verification as per DIR-4 shall also be attached, which shall contain name, father’s name, date of birth, physical signature of applicant.
  4. The e-Form shall be digitally signed and shall be uploaded on MCA21 portal.
  5. Upon upload pay the fees of e-Form DIR-3.
  6. Once the application fee is paid the system will generate an application number. The central government will process the application and decide the approval and rejection.
  7. If DIN application is approved, the central government will communicate the DIN to applicant within 1 month.
  8. If the DIN application is rejected, it will e-mail the reason of rejection and will also publish on the website, the applicant will be given 15 days to rectify, if he rectifies the reason and the central government is satisfied, he will be allotted DIN otherwise central government will label the application as an invalid.
  9. Within one month of receiving DIN from the central government, the director has to intimate about his DIN to all companies where he is a director.
  10. The company will intimate ROC about DIN within 15 days from the date when director intimates his DIN to the company.
  11. The applicant is required to be registered on MCA-21 portal to obtain login id, which is necessary for fee payment.
  12. After obtaining login id, login to MCA21 portal and click on e-Form upload, e-Form DIR3 will be processed only after the DIN application fee is paid.
  13. Form DIR3 is mandatorily to be signed by the applicant and practicing professional (who is member of ICSI) whole is in whole time employment or is the director of existing company, and after the process the DIN will be generated.
  14. In case there is any change in the particular submitted in e-Form DIR 3, applicant has to submit e-Form DIR 6 along with the attested documents.

Cancellation of DIN:

The central government may cancel DIN due to the following reason:

  1. If a duplicate DIN has been issued to a director.
  2. DIN was obtained by fraudulent means.
  3. On death of concerned person.
  4. The person has been declared unsound mind by the court.
  5. The person has been adjudged insolvent.
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A Keen Learner. Tiny, brainy, and studious, this quiet one stays in her zone until she pops. And once she does, boy, are her comebacks snappy! There is no financial question that she can't answer through her magical blog-writing. 

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