Mudra Loan: Everything about Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
Created on 23 Jul 2020
Wraps up in 7 Min
Read by 91.4k people
Updated on 01 Aug 2024

How many times is it that when we have thought of taking a loan, we have had to rethink because of the minimum amount involved or the huge amount of collateral or security that had to be deposited?
One solution to these problems is the Mudra (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) Loan. You can read on to learn more about this loan.
What is the Mudra Loan?
On 8 April 2015, the Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) to help various non-farm small/micro enterprises and non-corporate enterprises with their funding needs. The scheme was introduced to extend loans of up to ₹10 lakhs to these organisations. The loans can be availed from any NBFCs, MFIs, Commercial Banks, Small Finance Banks, and RRBs.
MUDRA, or Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency, is a refinancing institution formed with the main purpose of extending loans. It was initially formed as a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) as a refinancing company with a paid-up capital of ₹750 crore and authorised capital of ₹1,000 crore.
Now, let us have a look at all that is there to know about the Mudra loan.
Types of Mudra Loan
There are three types of loans offered under this scheme, and the names of the different loans offered are suggestive of different stages of development that the micro-enterprises may need loans. The three categories of loans are:
1. Sishu Mudra Loan
This is for those budding entrepreneurs who are just starting off with their business or are in the process of planning for it. The maximum amount sanctioned under this loan is ₹50,000. This loan is to finance the necessary machinery and equipment that may be required or any other resources that may be essential for carrying on the business idea. In order to avail of this loan, the borrower must present valid details of suppliers and any other mudra loan documents that may be necessary.
2. Kishor Mudra Loan
This category sanctions a loan in the range of ₹50,001 - ₹5 lakhs. This category is for those who are in need of funds so that they can expand their business into some new geography or some new line. The Mudra loan documents necessary for this loan to be sanctioned are income statements, bank statements, the balance sheet of previous years, as well as an estimate of the balance sheet of next year and the viability of their business idea or project.
3. Tarun Mudra Loan
This loan is offered to those who want resources in the range of ₹5 lakhs - 10 lakhs. However, the maximum amount that can be availed is ₹10 lakhs. This loan is primarily for those enterprises or individuals who are looking to diversify their business or who are aiming at further growth of their business. All the requirements for the Kishor Loan are also applicable to the Tarun Loan.
Types of Funding Schemes in Mudra Loan
Mudra also has two different types of funding schemes. They are:
1) Micro Credit Scheme (MCS)-
This is for loans up to ₹1 lakh financed through MFIs. These are for small/micro enterprises or individuals for various business-derived activities.
2) Refinance Scheme for Commercial Banks / RRBs / NBFCs-
This has a maximum limit of ₹10 lakhs. The refinancing scheme is available for term loans and also working capital loans. Sometimes, special services can also be provided to women entrepreneurs so as to encourage them. These facilities include providing them with a discount or reduction on their loan.
Under the Mudra loan, a special thing is the facility of the Mudra card. This is a debit card that is given to the borrower and is issued against the loan amount. It is issued for the working capital part of the loan so that the borrowers can make use of several withdrawals. Also, as the world is going digital, having a debit card can also help lending institutions track the transactions and history of interest payments.
Now that we have seen what the Mudra loan is, we should also see how it may apply to us and how we can make use of this scheme.
Who is Eligible for the Mudra Loan?
Individuals from the age of 18 to 65 years are eligible to apply for this loan. Additionally, the loan can be availed to new and existing Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) units. There are various reasons for providing such loans to enterprises and individuals.
The non-corporate micro sector is one of the largest in India, after the agricultural sector. This sector leads to a lot of income generation and also provides a lot of employment for the people.
So, it becomes necessary for the government to introduce such schemes in order to promote and uplift such sectors. The Mudra loan eligibility criteria are for:
1. Working Capital Loans - The Mudra scheme provides loans not only for the purchase of fixed assets but also for maintaining the working capital of the company. In order to fund the working capital needs, the enterprises can use a debit card known as the Mudra Card.
2. Transport Vehicle Loans - Three-wheelers, two-wheelers, auto-rickshaws, and other vehicles used for commercial use are covered under this scheme.
3. Equipment and Machinery that are required by micro-enterprises are also covered under this scheme.
4. Agricultural activities - This includes activities like poultry, fishing, dairy, agri-clinics, etc.
5. Loans for traders, vendors, shopkeepers, and small business owners are also included.
6. Food Products Sector - This sector includes activities like jelly or jam making. This would also include small bakeries or individuals who run small businesses of bread, snacks, pickles, etc.
7. Textile Producers and traders like khaki, wool, silk, etc., handicrafts businesses and those who trade in these services can also take advantage of the Mudra loan scheme.
8. Other businesses in the community, like gyms, parlours, boutiques, book shops, printing shops, mobile repair shops, etc., are also included in this scheme.
Where and How to Apply for the Mudra Loan?
As already mentioned, in order to avail of the MUDRA loan, borrowers can approach the institutions that are eligible to partner with Mudra. Loans can be availed from eligible lending institutions like RRBs, MFIs, NBFCs, Commercial Banks, and Small Finance Banks.
Since the loans can be availed from any of these institutions, it becomes quite convenient and easy for potential borrowers. Also, the processing time for the loan is approximately 24 hours. This is an added advantage for those who want to apply for the loan. While applying for the loan, the lender may ask for certain documents as well.
The documents required for the Mudra Loan are:
Official documents of the company, which include its license, certificate, registration forms, ID, and any other relevant documents that may be required to prove its existence.
Documents for Proof of Identity and Proof of Address, which include Aadhar card / Voter's ID card / Passport / Driving License, Bank Statement, etc. Along with this, the applicant would also need to submit their passport-sized photographs.
Proof of belonging to a special category (if any), such as SC, ST, OBC, Minority, etc.
For any new business, it is also necessary to show documents detailing the entire business plan, including the list of suppliers and procurement of equipment details. Also, the viability of the business idea needs to be shown. So, the estimated plans for the coming years need to be shown along with documents mentioning the process by which the enterprise would repay the loan. This is especially the case with Shishu Loans.
For an enterprise that is established and in the developmental stage, it is important to show historical documents. It includes the bank statements and income statements of previous years. Along with that, the Balance Sheet for the previous two years and the forecast for next year's Balance Sheet are also required. This is for Kishor and Tarun Loans.
Benefits of the Mudra Loan
There are a lot of benefits that come along with availing a Mudra loan. These advantages are:
1. One of the major benefits of this scheme is that it requires no collateral or security that has to be deposited. Also, there are no processing fees involved.
2. Another advantage of this loan is that there is no minimum amount involved. With no specific amount, borrowers can access this loan according to their personal needs.
3. The loan can be in the form of term loans, overdraft facilities, cards (Mudra Cards), letters of credit, and bank guarantees. Due to this, the loan terms are really flexible and convenient for the borrowers.
4. It can be used for any type of funded or non-funded use.
5. The payment has a reasonable tenure of 5 years.
6. There is also the facility of additional discounts or a reduced amount of interest on loans for women business owners and entrepreneurs. This really encourages women business owners as there is an ease of availability involved, which is a major advantage.
The Bottom Line
The Mudra loan scheme has been in effect for around 5 years. This scheme was ambitious, to say the least, and it aimed to touch and impact the lives of several people. Was it successful in doing so, though? Even though the scheme has a lot of advantages, there are some flaws present that work against it.
The scheme's major purpose is to provide collateral-free loans. However, this is one disadvantage for the lenders. Many enterprises and individuals who want to borrow do not have a proper business plan, and hence, they are not able to repay their loans.
However, such schemes are really necessary for promoting the government campaigns of 'Start-Up India' and Make in India. People need to be made aware of such schemes, and they have to be made easily available. It makes the process of starting one's business a little easier.
Also, now, with the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and many businesses and industries facing serious turmoil, such schemes have become all the more important, don't you think? Let us know in the comments below what you think of the success of the Mudra loan scheme and whether it has really been helpful for Indian enterprises.
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